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Engineering Design was founded in 1980 to address problems in instrumentation and measurement, physical acoustics, digital signal analysis and data visualization and modeling.

  • Engineering Design is the developer of the SIGNALtm family of sound analysis software, including SIGNAL, Real-Time Spectrogram (RTS), Event Detector, Event Analyzer, and Experiment Maker.

  • SIGNAL is the standard for research in bioacoustics for its scientific accuracy, extensive tools for measurement, analysis, synthesis and modeling, programmability and thorough documentation.
  • SIGNAL applications include bioacoustics, sound and vibration measurement, sound modeling and synthesis, perceptual cognition, human auditory testing, and neurophysiological experimentation.

  • SIGNAL is used at over 200 laboratories worldwide.

  • Over 200 scientific papers have been published using SIGNAL on topics including acoustic behavior, evolution of communication, cognitive science, neurophysiology of production and perception and wildlife conservation and management. Read about the outstanding research done with SIGNAL.

Contact Engineering Design to discuss your challenging problems in bioacoustic analysis. Thirty-five years of experience are available to help solve them!

    SIGNAL in Science

SIGNAL was used to study mating calls in the male Túngara frog. Read more

The USDA used SIGNAL acoustical analysis to estimate the forage consumed by free-grazing cattle, to promote pasture-fed beef. Read more

SIGNAL showed that the signature whistles of bottlenose dolphins contain unique acoustical features identifying the caller. Read more