Price List
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![]() Following are current US and international prices in US dollars. International buyers please see International terms below.
Price list effective December 1, 2024. Prices subject to change without notice.
New user costs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Full signal (10V) at Nyquist frequency resolves to 12 bits at 1.25 (1.00) MHz input, 2.8 (2.0) MHz output, and to 16 bits at 650 kHz input, 500 kHz output [() refers to multi-channel rate]. Measured max small-signal rate = 1.5 MHz input/output. Multi-channel crosstalk = 11 bits at 1.33 MHz.
2. Input operates at 500 kHz at all signal levels. Output operates at 200 kHz for +/-10 V signals and 500 kHz for +/-100 mV signals.
3. Software licenses are single-computer licenses, and permit operation on one computer system at a time.
4. Multiple software licenses receive a 25% discount on 2nd and additional licenses for all products except direct-to-disk I/O.
5. I/O boards provide a maximum analysis bandwidth equal to 50% of the board's sample rate.
6. Except where noted, I/O boards can sample multiple channels at a per-channel sample rate = (total sample rate) / (number of channels). Thus a 500-kHz board can acquire 2 channels at 250 kHz per channel.
7. I/O boards do not contain anti-alias filters (AAF's), except where noted. AAF's may be necessary during acquisition or playback, depending on signal bandwidth and sample rate.
8. I/O panels with 8 input channels are available by special order.
9. The PCMCIA desktop adapter card allows PCMCIA analog I/O cards to be operated in a desktop and requires one PCI slot.
10. RTS 5 provides scrolling, measurement and editing of unlimited-length sound files and can exchange measurements and signals with SIGNAL. Live scrolling sound acquisition and playback will be added to the RTS in the future.
Upgrade costs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SALES NOTES 1. Credit card payments are accepted through PayPal. A fee will be added (3% US, 5% international) to cover PayPal fees. There may be an upper limit on payment size. Contact Engineering Design for an invoice and payment instructions. 2. Package discounts apply to software purchased with one purchase order. 3. Users with multiple licenses must purchase an upgrade for each license. Multiple upgrades receive a 15% discount on 2nd and additional upgrades when purchased on the same order. 4. Users may order the SIGNAL/RTS upgrade package now to qualify for the discount, and the RTS will be provided when ready, through this website. 5. First generation (1996 or earlier) Dart PCMCIA I/O cards may require a hardware upgrade for compatibility with Windows 2000/XP. Contact Engineering Design to determine if your card requires an upgrade. 6. For security key upgrade: 1) Contact Engineering Design and request a quote. 2) International shipments will include an additional charge to cover customs paperwork. 3) Payment is by credit card via PayPal only. 4) New key will be sent via USPS or other secure means. 5) Standard turnaround is 2 weeks or sooner by arrangement. |
Software requirements | |
Hardware requirements | |
Terms of sale | |
See the Engineering Design Terms of Sale for complete details. |