September 24, 2008 at 6 PM
| University Press Books: talk and book signing. 2430 Bancroft Way (between Telegraph and Dana), Berkeley. Phone: 510-548-0485.
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November 20, 2008 at 4 PM
| California State University Fresno Speaker's Forum: Department of History – Jewish Studies. Lecture: The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943: Jewish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism. Agricultural Sciences 109 (mid-campus, near Thomas Administration Building), Fresno, CA. Contact: Jill Fields, Associate Professor of History, 559-278-5414, Campus map
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December 2, 2008 at Noon
| Bay Tree Bookstore, UC Santa Cruz: talk and book signing. 1156 High St, Santa Cruz, CA. Phone: 831-459-5153.
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January 11, 2009 at 10:15 AM - 12:30 PM
| Temple Beth Hillel, Richmond: book discussion and signing at special Sunday Bagel Brunch. 801 Park Central, Richmond, CA (one block east of Hilltop exit on I-80). Phone: 510-223-2560. $5 donation.
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January 18, 2009 at 10 AM - Noon
| Jewish Community Center of the East Bay: book discussion at Sunday Bagel Brunch. 1414 Walnut St, Berkeley. Michelle Schwartz, Executive Director. Phone: 510-848-0237.
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February 19, 2009
| York University, Toronto, Canada. Centre for Jewish Studies seminar, "The Literature of Testimony". Talk: "Writing the Minsk Ghetto".
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February 20, 2009
| York University, Toronto, Canada. New Frontiers in Graduate History Conference. Keynote address: "Doing History from Scratch: Writing the Story of the Minsk Ghetto Resistance". Christine McLaughlin, co-chair,
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March 24, 2009
| Sonoma State University: Spring Holocaust Lecture Series: Robert Harris Lecture. Center for Study of the Holocaust & Genocide, Rohnert Park, CA. Contact: Dr. Myrna Goodman 707-644-4296.
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April 9-10, 2009
| University of Pittsburgh, Sociology Department. Lecture: Social Movements and Culture and Politics. Contact Mohammed Bamyeh.
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April 22, 2009 at 7:30 PM
| BJE (Bureau of Jewish Education) Jewish Community Library: talk and book signing. 1835 Ellis St, San Francisco 94115. Phone: 415-567-3327 x703. Contact: Rose Katz.
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June 25, 2009
| Facing History and Ourselves: Resource Scholar Speaker. Jack Weinstein, Director SF/Bay Area Region. Phone: 510-786-2500.
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Date to be announced
| UCLA Center for Jewish Studies: Barbara Epstein in discussion with Prof. Maurice Zeitlin. Contact: Dr. David N. Myers, Director UCLA Center for Jewish Studies,, 310-825-3780.
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Barbara Epstein is available for interviews, speaking engagements and book signings.
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Contact Audrey M. Berger, Publicist, 510-233-2786 or email
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